Party Information

In collaboration with New Zealand Rising and others,
Voters United are proud to host
“A Minor Party Election 2023 Event.”

Ignored for the most part by mainstream media, this documented resource provides the opportunity for minor parties to publicly address issues of significant importance to all New Zealanders.

The minor parties have been asked to respond to the 10 questions contained in the document above. Once we have their responses we will present these interviews across all platforms for all of New Zealand to see.

Identified as the most important election of a lifetime, we seek to provide voters with the opportunity to hear the often unheard voices of the minor parties. We encourage you to read and share this valuable resource widely within your networks.

New Zealanders deserve better. We deserve greater accountability and transparency from our elected representatives. Parties looking for voters’ long term trust and support should promise only what they think they can realistically achieve. 

Promises made need to be promises kept. 

View the full document here…


Voters United are very pleased to have the parties listed below as supporters of our initiative. View our letter of invitation here.

For further information, click on the relevant party’s logo and be sure to also check out their upcoming events.

We stand for democracy, equality, and unity for all New Zealanders.

It’s not about left or right anymore, it’s about going forward as a country led by those kiwi values that bring us together – that unify us. Democracy NZ was launched in March 2022. We stand for freedom, for families, and for farming and rural New Zealand.

The Bill of Rights and the protection of our democracy are fundamental drivers of Democracy NZ. We welcome everyone who shares our values to join us. We stand with you.

This election we need to do things differently. In response to the ongoing cry for unity, we have formed the Democratic Alliance, a neutral umbrella party to unite the minor political parties, independents and grassroots movements. By working together we can get over the 5% MMP threshold to give you the voters a representative voice in Parliament.

The party has been founded on eight guiding principles with a focus on the people to protect our sovereignty and freedoms, without globalist agenda’s. This is the glue that unities us. Component parties retain their own identity, and each party leader becomes a spokesperson for the Democratic Alliance – we call this unity in diversity.

Embedded into our Party Constitution is a new paradigm in politics.  This forms the behavioural expectations for the way we do things, such as aroha; true service to the people; leaving personal ego’s behind; integrity – walking the talk; and ensuring transparent honest communication on all levels.

Our vision is to have true democracy and freedom in New Zealand where individual rights are valued and we are governed by political representatives who listen and work with the people, businesses, food producers and support families in a safe and caring society.

Freedoms NZ: Uniting Political Parties and Freedom Movements is a registered political alliance in New Zealand founded on 22 August 2022 following a series of protests led by Brian Tamaki. It is an “umbrella party,” consisting of an alliance between the Freedom and Rights Coalition, Outdoors and Freedom Party, and Vision NZ.

NZ Outdoors & Freedom Party is a registered party led by Sue Grey and Donna Pokere Phillips that promotes freedom, connection with the outdoors and innovative and common sense health, education, rural, financial, agriculture and other policies, to promote body and national sovereignty and return power to local people.

NZ Outdoors and Freedom Party recently joined the Freedoms NZ umbrella in response to requests for unity.

Our policies focus on solutions and not symptoms of the problems that currently confound our beautiful nation. We believe in getting to the root cause of New Zealand’s social, justice, economic and commercial problems with back to basics, common sense solutions. That is why our flagship policy is about ‘The Family’. We believe society is a reflection of our homes and therefore our Family Policy looks at family and home as the place of origin. If the family is healthy, our nation is better for it. We believe in a strong, vibrant economy where everybody gets an opportunity to flourish, and the government delivers quality public service to everybody.

We believe in the protection and preservaion of our natural resources and environment.

Rock The Vote NZ are a new grassroots political party. We stand for freedom, Kiwi sovereignty, traditional values and transparent democracy. Our party is committed to empowering people and preserving our heritage, while ensuring that our nation remains free and able to steer its own destiny.

We will resurrect and maintain traditional Kiwi values that represent our nation as a people. We recognise and encourage values that benefit the community – strong families, support for those who work with the land, jobs that pay a decent living wage, adequate medical and financial care for those who genuinely need assistance, security from violence and relief from poverty.

We will break our nation free from the grip of international organisations such as the United Nations, World Economic Forum and World Health Organisation, so that the people of New Zealand may control their own destiny, and we will reverse all divisive, race-based policies implemented by the Labour government. Rock The Vote NZ is a component party of the Freedoms NZ umbrella party.

Yes Aotearoa are the True Greens, with a heart.

We want to create a fundamental change in New Zealand Aotearoa politics, where the people, environment and the land can heal and be restored. United together in our unique diversity we can empower the people to co-create our future in a true democracy.

We are calling for a new paradigm in Parliament, embedding fresh structures and protocols to enhance a culture of trust and transparency, where the politicians listen and genuinely care for the people they serve.

In the last four weeks Heartland NZ have had two outstanding potential candidates pull out for personal reasons.

Under the circumstances, the party management team has therefore decided not to contest this year’s election.

Click this link to read the full announcement

Our Mission: To restore confidence in the New Zealand public that Government is there to serve, finances will be spent wisely, and never again will we tolerate the Government creating second class citizens.

New Nation Party is a New Zealand political party founded on common sense, rationality, freedom of choice, and a belief that our country can be wealthy and prosperous again.

We will restore real democracy and the standards of living we expect and the Kiwi lifestyle we have always enjoyed. New Nation Party will deliver sensible policies to grow our country’s wealth and strengthen our provincial economies. We believe in a fair and just society and equal opportunity for each and every New Zealander.

New Zeal will safeguard our nation’s sovereignty and individual freedoms. We will implement constitutional reform by entrenching the New Zealand Bill of Rights and reducing the 5% electoral threshold to 2% to increase diversity within Government.

We will stop the sexual grooming and indoctrination of our children in our schools and will dismantle the critical race theory and confused gender ideology.

We will reinvigorate the economy, boost NZ owned businesses, reduce inflation, the cost of living and address the housing crisis.

We will promote, protect and preserve our nation’s sovereignty from all foreign interest, enshrine the Bill of Rights and will hold every Government department accountable.

New Zealand First was formed in 1993 to represent those New Zealanders concerned about the social and economic direction of our country following the economic reforms of the fourth Labour and fourth National governments.

The party was founded on Fifteen Fundamental Principles that emphasise accountable and transparent government, commonsense social and economic policy, and placing the interests of our country and its people at the forefront of Government decision making.

Today, New Zealand First is a party that focuses on pragmatism and common sense in the wake of extreme political ideological and bureaucratic capture of successive governments.

As a grassroots movement, New Zealand First is committed to representing forgotten New Zealanders and advocating for support by connecting with the various communities across the country.

We are truly a grassroots movement, supported by and answerable to the people of New Zealand.

Our policies aim to regenerate prosperity across our lands by bringing the wealth and decision making back into the hands of the Kiwi people. Including a flat 1% transaction tax.

We are loyal to New Zealander’s interests, not the globalist’s interests. We are loyal to NZ farmers, fishermen, and hunters; families, children and the land.

We aim to leave a legacy of respect, listening, decency, morality and courage for our children’s children to inherit.

top party

We regret to say that at this stage Top will not be a part of the Voters United initiative. If they decide at some later stage to jump on board, there will always be room for them.


Please note: New Conservative have requested us to withdraw them from all future polling. 
We are sorry to see them go and wish them all the best.